Plymouth Fastpitch Development League

The mission of the Plymouth Fastpitch Program is to support and encourage softball development. The program provides organized training, recreation and education for young student athletes to develop and enhance their physical, social, mental, and leadership skills while competing with sportsmanship in a highly competitive environment. Our goal is to develop confident, honest, and hard working young athletes that will have a positive impact on society.
Plymouth Fastpitch Development League (PFDL): Girls Ages 6-10
This program will incorporate the following -
This will be a Plymouth school district league.
Goal will be teaching players the basics/fundamentals of fastpitch softball.
Focus will be learning the mechanics to pitch and play other positions properly with the goal of moving up to the 10U program.
We also will be limiting the age range to 10 years old. Any girl over 10 years of age as of Jan 1st will be moved to the 10U or 12U program.
Easton's Incredi-ball will be used to reduce injury and increase safety for new players.
All infield players will be required to wear a face mask.
Pitching distance will be 32' from home plate / distance between bases will be 60'.
Games will be 1 hour in length or 5 innings maximum.
Coaches are asked to umpire from behind the catcher and pitcher.
All games are played at City Park in Plymouth located just off of Surhrke Rd. (Shown below)
Practices and games will start in June, and will conclude at the end of July.
Practices and games will be scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays.
The rules will be given to all coaches in this program. (link below for reference)
Registration Fee:
January 1 - March 31, 2025: $60
April 1 - April 18, 2025: $80
Deadline to Register is April 18, 2025
Player Progression Guide For Coaches

Non-Traveling Coordinator:
Stacey Rooker- plymouthyouthbaseball@gmail.com